links i find vital
find family on facebook: Brothas&Sistas of South Korea
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
send mail to korea cheap

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
report all spelling errors to the instructor.
Monday, November 27, 2006
my cdi essay
5. Should an introduction to art, music, and drama be a part of every college student's education? Explain why or why not.
An introduction to art, music, and drama need to remain a requirement for every college student’s education. The arts are the component of a well-rounded education that helps to develop critical thinking, intelligent analysis, and cognitive skills. In school, your basic education will teach you how to read; the artistic component of your education will help you to comprehend what you read. These students will grow to become our next generation of not just writers, musicians, and visual artists, but our next architects, inventors, computer web designers, and technicians because the arts helped develop their creative and independent thinking as well as logistical and mathematical skills. With this ability of comprehension, the Arts will help a student excel in school and therefore develop the competencies needed to succeed in whatever path they choose in life.
A student who understands the curriculum will exceed academically. One can help a student to understand the curriculum by using the arts to supplement traditional academic lectures. Take for example a study of the American Civil Rights Movement. It is one thing to read the history textbook memorizing names and dates. But think of how much more this student would understand and truly come to comprehend and empathize when s/he reads the struggles of being young and Black in Richard Wrights Black Boy or watch the racial injustice in director Robert Mulligan’s To Kill a Mockingbird. A student will become more invested in the curriculum and course work when s/he understands what they’re studying. The student will not just memorize that 1965 is the year of the Voting Rights Act; this student will remember the poetry, literature, film, and arts, that showed s/he what America was like at the time the Voting Rights Act was enacted.
Knowledge of the arts opens up a student’s creativity. It makes him/her think outside of the box. All great discoveries and inventions started with “what if” or “what will happen,” and these ideas and questions rooted in science come from minds with some arts sensibility. Had Christopher Columbus not questioned the widely accepted belief that the world was flat, perhaps Europe wouldn’t have known what we know now as America even existed.
Every field, be it professional, corporate, medical, or technical, use both art and science and invaluable results come from this collaboration. Leonardo Da Vinci, for example: this artist is famous for his painterly skills on the Mona Lisa, but Da Vinci was also an inventor and scientist. He had a fascination with the human body evident in his many drawings of perfectly proportioned human bodies. He studied cadavers in the name of art to help him develop in figurative painting and as a result, some of our early knowledge of human anatomy can be attributed to his artwork. Da Vinci’s original and creative mind also lent itself to many inventions. He had a fascination with flight and tried many times to invent a flying machine. He was successful in inventing a hang glider that, when tested years after his death, did work. This is proof that art is beneficial everywhere. Every mind flourishes with exposure to the arts and can help students develop into successful adults.
Having a college education infused with artistic elements benefit the student in so many ways. It’s an artistic sensibility that helps a student to understand every other school subject and therefore helps him or her to excel in every class. A student who understand the curriculum is a student that is going to develop in terms of creative thinking, problem solving, independent thinking, decision making and communications skills, leadership skills; the life skills necessary to become a successful adult.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
the cdi essay topics
These are generic topics for a stand 5 paragraph essay, so i feel ok about posting them here, i dont think i'm giving away any secrets or something. One complaint about cdi that i'd read on an esl forum was having to write this essay. I think it's fair, tho, you'll be teaching english and this is a school that wants to hire people who are capable of that. The only requirement to teach in korea, aside from being a citizen of a specific country, is having a 4 year degree. And certainly not every single person with a college degree is “capable.” I could tell you some stories about some of the people i'd tutored...
Essay Topics for CDI Instructor Candidates
Directions: select one of the topics below and write a coherent essay in the Standard TOEFL format (introduction, body, and conclusion). Please save a Microsoft Word document to the DESKTOP under your FIRST and LAST name. Also, please write the ENTIRE question you choose to answer at the top. Length: 400 – 500 words (4-5 paragraphs, 1.5 - 2 pages) Time: 60 minutes
1. Do you suppose you would be happier if you lived more simply, eliminating the effort it takes to acquire an abundance of luxuries? Why or why not?
2. "Self-discipline is the most important ingredient for success." Attack or defend.
3. We often hear education attacked or defended on the basis of its utility. Define and explain what you mean by "useful" or "useless" when you apply those terms to education.
4. If you could live in some other historical period, which would you choose, and why?
Art and Culture
5. Should an introduction to art, music, and drama be a part of every college student's education? Explain why or why not.
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Friday, November 24, 2006
hogwan or not, take every application process seriously.

Thursday, November 23, 2006
my brother is aiight sometimes.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
cheap flights to korea

update: found this on eslcafe, people use it for thier vacations.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
CDI (Chung Dahm Institute)
What I learned about CDI on eslcafe.com:
the students are grouped by english ability/comprehension as well as by age. Issues at private hogwans- mom insisting her child be put in level x, not getting paid on time, not getting paid in full, having your schedule changed unannounced- are not commonplace there as they are at most other hogwons. complaints that i have tried to read like positives:
- a full week of training, but with no pay (well, that happens sometimes here in the states. at least you'll get training instead of a book and instructions of "go teach" as happens in many other schools. and it's not a surprise, they tell you youre not getting paid for it).
- Solid scheduled of 4pm-10pm, sometimes not M-F, likely working a weekend day (again, at least it's not a surprise. they tell you you'll might have to work weekends. and schedules change every 3 months, at least, so if one term sucks, hope for good for the following term).
- you dont get all national holidays off, and only 7 non paid vacation days off a year (well, yeah. others insist, and deserve, the usual full 2-8 weeks korean vacation time).
- airfare is not paid for you upfront, you get half when you arrive, and the other half upon completion of the contract (i think that's fair, tho other jobs are easily had where your ticket is paid ahead for you).
- you have to write an essay when you apply (many complain about this, and understandably so b/c many jobs are to be had without this requirement, but it's only a standard 5 paragraph and no big chore).
- classes are three hours long (but you get a breakdown of how to use those three hours. many complain there's no freedom to teach what you want, but for some, this translates into "this is too much actual work/teaching.")
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2006 11:43:30 +0900
This is Cindy from Good English in Korea. I have good teaching positions in Seoul, Bundang, Ilsan, Incheon, Kangneung and Busan. If you are interested , please send me your resume, photo and a copy of bachelor's degree and passport. I will definitely find a great teaching position for you. Please let me know your available time to start to work and convenient time for an interview. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks and kind regards,
82 11 311 8242
Thank you for your email. I have attached my resume and cover letter.
On 11/18/06, CindyPark <goodenglish1st@gmail.com > wrote:
Dear S
I wonder if you are available.
I'd like to recommend a good position of CDI.
I've attached the information of CDI.
There are over 50 branches and franchises.
lease let me know if you are interested.
And then I will recommend you to the company.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks and kind regards,
Subject: Interview at 11:30pm Korean time on Tuesday(your Monday evening )
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 22:43:45 +0900
It was nice talking to you on the phone.
You seemed very nice.
As I told you, I set up an interview at 11:30am Korean time on Tuesday(your Monday evening).
The manager will call you.
I hope the itnerview will be successful.
Thanks and kind regards,
On 11/21/06:
Hi Cindy! Thank you so much for your call last night. I have been reading about CDI and I am VERY excited to interview with them tonight; they seem to be very professional with a good reputation, and I hope they will find me to be a good asset to their staff.
I do have some questions for you: what is the age range of the students? If CDI decides to offer me a position, I do have a couple of concerns if you are able to shed some light on these: I've read that CDI generally does not pay for airfare upfront. Is this negotiable? Could CDI pay for my ticket to Korea, and then deduct it from the first paycheck? Also, I've read that CDI generally doesn't provide housing, is this correct? If they do not, would they provide housing search assistance and key money? This will be my first time to Korea and understandably I'd like to make sure I would have a place to live arranged before I arrive.
Please forgive my multitude of questions. I'd like to bring up again my overall flexibility: I understand that CDI is open 365 days a year, and I'd like to reiterate that I have no problems working weekends, holidays, or split shifts. Attending occasional meetings or other work related events before or after the regular schedule is not an issue for me as well. When I graduated from college with two BA's, I concurrently earned a minor in English. I am certified to substitute teach here and I do have a good deal of experience working with full classes as well as one on one tutoring. I really hope that CDI finds me to be a worthwhile candidate. I'm very excited for the call tonight, thank you again for arranging it! :)
Thank you again, Cindy, I look forward to hearing from you.
The CDI will reimburse the airfare when you come to Korea.
There are 2 types of payment.
Monthly payment with a single housing or High hourly payment without housing(the school will provide a key money and help you to find a housing.
The manager will answer very kindly and specifically to you questions.
I hope the interview will be successful, as well.
Thanks and kind regards,
Monday, November 20, 2006
paperwork prep

- sealed official transcripts
- passport
- xerox copies of the photo page of the passport
extra passport sized photos - your degree, or a copy of it certified by the Korean Embassy
- a criminal background check
- get a medical exam w/tests for stds.
Make sure you have a recent passport; they are valid for 10 years i think? make sure it will not expire while you are abroad. It takes about 6 weeks if you renew by mail, but you can pay extra for expedited service. Either way, you can go online and check the status of the renewal here. it cost me $60 to renew my passport and i did it by mail.
You can send your original degree to your employer, but a certified copy of it is just as good, so long as it is certified by the Korean Embassy. so get another degree issued by your school, or copy yours and get it certified. i opted for a reissue from my school, it cost me $12.00 & took 8 weeks to come in the mail.
you also need a criminal record check.
do bring extra copies of everything for yourself. if you dont want to stay at your school, you can try to get a letter of release to free you up to find a new job, but help yourself and be prepared to dip out by having all the above paperwork ready for the new school. it's a new job, so they will need everything fresh: your transcript, your degree, etc. Don't count on the old school being nice and giving everything back to you; it's best to just be over-prepared and have copies of your own. the new school will help you with the technicalities and will pay for the visa run, and hooray you'll have a different (hopefully better) job. many new teachers just leave korea after a few days/weeks/months like this guy. a shame. maybe if he'd had copies of all his stuff, he'd have looked into finding a different job instead of pulling a runner.
lastly, bring CASH (and a Visa +/ Mastercard for back up if you've got them, no where takes Discover). are you sure as to what your first payday will be when youre here, and how much it will be? have lots of money on hand, just in case. as for amount, i've read various suggestions from 600-3,000 USD. (update: i brought $1200USD and went through it like water, esp b/c of cdi, and having to buy everything in my home fresh. seriously, bring as much as you can. and bring CASH. ive yet to meet a person who had no problems w/using their credit cards/atm cards when they first got here.) if you dont have money, borrow from friends or family (dont be a jerk and not pay back, of course), or consider taking a cash advance on a credit card, if you have one, and then just pay it off right away with your first one or two paychecks.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
you're. not your.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
housing security deposit & overtime pay

you usually dont have to put down any key money, the school does so for you. you may be asked to put down a security deposit. this is not really a requirement. some insist that it's downright illegal, but if it is in your contract that you sign, it's perfectly legal. i guess it's up to you if you agree on that condition or not. many do not trust their employers to return any deposit money when they leave the job. davester frankly speaking had this to say:
that they want a housing security deposit but it usually only
100-200,000 Won. I just sent it back and said that it is not a good way
to start a relationship. It should begin by trust. I tell them that since
monthly bills rarely add up to 80,000 won a month, why should I
deposit 200,000. I tell them that I would be willing to deduct
100,000 out of my last month's salary to pay for the final month's bills.
I have never been denied by those companies. The other thing I keep
seeing on many contracts is overtime salary of 15,000 or 18,000 won
a month. It should never be less than 20,000 and even that is low.
If you calculate your base salary, it is around 17,000 won a month.
Overtime should be paid at 1.5. roughly 25,000 won an hour
is what is legal."
for 3 months. Much like the previous poster who wanted to establish
trust at the beginning of the work relationship, I respectfully requested
this to be removed, and in lieu, on the first day of the last month I
would supply the school with reciepts of my bills to prove they are all
paid, in addition to paying the school the AVERAGE cost of the monthly
bills. The final wording in the contract ended up like this:
[The cost of monthly service, utility, and telephone charges for the
accommodation provided will be paid by the teachers. The teacher
should provide the school with the average cost of monthly utilities
and phone charges at the beginning of the last contract month.
The teacher should also provide the school with copies of the bills at that
time showing that there are no outstanding payments to be made.]
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
seoul sista

meet harvey!

i thought about looking for other contracts, but the more i look, the more i question which one is "best;" should i insist on seoul, should i teach adults only, should i ask for more money, etc. I've decided that im just going to take this jobbusan job if the contract looks ok, and then just go. it's only a year. next year i can switch cities if i want. or students. or heck, even countries! so im chillin right now.
the whole esl field in korea moves very fast once youre ready to leave, as i understand. if youre ready to leave in a week, you can get a job and be gone. since im not leaving for a while, i'm using this time to learn about the korean esl field, and korean culture. i read a few blogs here and there. im looking for where i can take korean language classes here. havent found any yet. but i've been watching lots of korean movies from netflix.
i highly recommend The Way Home (i hope im that tough when im an elder), attack the gas station (the guy in the green suit is friggin hot), and joint security area (i dont have a taste for war films, but this turned out to be about unity and brotherhood. i cried, it was beautiful).
Monday, November 13, 2006
esl interview tips.
for prosperity: i learned a lot when i went on my interview with nova. i was not offered a job, but it was my fault, i was arrogant and so sure that that i would get a job offer that i was messy in a few places. First, I showed up to the interview/group orientation about 20 minutes late, no good reason, I was just late. Strike two: I wore a blouse with ¾ sleeves that exposed a tattoo on my forearm. Though the interviewer was very nice and told me that in Japan I would have to be sure to keep it covered, I suspect that my not being mindful of it in the first place left a poor impression. Third: I have locks, and carelessly left them down and casual. I should have twisted and pulled them back for neatness. Turns out that NOVA doesn’t allow locks at all, but I should’ve at least made them neater and more conservative in appearance. Despite my having two bachelor degrees, a minor in English, prior teaching experience, and being certified to substitute teach, I was not offered a position with NOVA. I strongly suspect my aforementioned blunders left a very poor impression. So in the end, instead of the call with a job offer that I was sooooo sure I would get, I instead received a polite letter in the mail letting me know I would not be offered a position. So when you interview, be sure to:
- Be in the lobby and awaiting your appointment at least 15 minutes early, I cannot stress this enough. In Japan, being on time means being 15 minutes early. Our group for aeon interview was scheduled to start at 1. At 1:01, we were asked to move to the other room and the guy locked the main door behind us to prevent any latecomers from coming in. If for any reason you are late, call and let someone know.
- Cover all tattoos. Don’t mention you even have any. In Japan, tattoos are still associated with yakuza to this day are not at all casual as they are here in the states.
- Take out all piercings. Don’t mention you have any of these either.
- wear business attire. in the workplace, men must wear a long sleeve shirt, suit and a tie. Women’s attire is a little broader, but best to err on the side of conservative, you can’t go wrong with a blue or black skirt or pant suit.
- During your demo lesson, speak clearly and slowly, make eye contact and smile. Stop often and say, “do you understand?” or “any questions?” something to show you’re keeping the student’s comprehension in mind.
- For the lesson plan, less is more. Try to do something that has the students talking the most and the teacher the least. The Aeon goal is 20% teacher talk and 80% student talk.
- Type out your lesson plan in full detail of how you would use 30 minutes, but the demo will only be for 5. Pick the 5 minutes that you think will show you in the best light as teacher.
Try to come up with some sort of visual aid: objects, toys, or a colorful poster. If you’re writing something out on a poster be sure to use a ruler to make sure your lines are straight. Write it in pencil first, and then over that with a pen or marker. - If you’ve ever taken a foreign language class yourself, bring this up at your one on one interview. Talk about what the experience was like for you as a student and how you would be as a teacher.
- You will be asked, “Why Japan?” Read up on Japanese culture and be ready to answer.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
this friggin font

Thursday, November 09, 2006
thank you, anonymous.

Hi! I've been reading about your trials and tribulations, and I can totally empathize and identify with your situation since I also want to go to Japan and had been rejected by Nova over a year ago. I'm attempting to join Aeon so we will see how that goes.I know you kinda have your heart set on South Korea now, but if you want to give Japan one more try (maybe even as just practice for future oversea esl interviews) my friend who used to teach at Nova and then changed his job to teaching public jr high school recommended this company.http://www.interac.co.jp/recruit/cgi-bin/index.cgi/welcome/home.htmlHe got his public school job through them and highly recommends this ALT route over Nova and Aeon. I believe they recruit overseas. I hope that you would consider this cuz after reading some of your entries I think you would have a lot to offer your students and to the people of Japan. Anyways good luck whichever path you decide, and now that I'll keep on reading to see how everything turns out.PS I'm planning on looking into this also as my alternative/backup to Aeon since I know their application process is really competitive.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
calling card
i have the best blog ever.

Sunday, November 05, 2006
the recruiters i'm working with

Busan, Ulsan, Gyungnam
No1 site www.jobbusan.co.kr
Tel : +82-51-462-1515
Fax : +82-51-462-4004
jobbusan is working on getting me a public school job in changwon. a davesesl-er cautioned i ask about the job being on one campus, or multiple campuses (commute might be wack), also that with public school i may be the only foreigner (fluent english speaker) there and thus have no one to talk to. we'll see what happens. I've said this elsewhere i think, but if you are on the job hunt, open up a new email solely for your job search; something like initial_lastname@ mail.com. you get a LOT of emails once your resume is out, as well as a lot of nigerian scams and "verify your credit card" and sexxy assians, etc. Many people advise sending your resume to as many recruiters as possible as well as posting it as many places as possible; i do not recommend this, it's way more emails than i wanted to handle. plus, you run the risk of multiple recruiters showing you to the same school, i think that would make one look unstable. try just a couple at a time, take it slow, search through the offers for something you like.
update: i ended up not using jubbusan. i had no problems with them at all; i just happened to get a job offer elsewhere through GoodEnglish1st. i dont know how, i never registered with them. i think a recruiter saw my resume posted somewhere; i got an email and then a phone call out the blue asking if i'd be interested in interviewing with cdi.
maybe a job at a public school in Changwon

10-10-06 Dear xxx , This is James from Job Busan Inc in South Korea. I have seen your ad from Davs cafe web site and i am interested in your starting date. Because i have many public school position which will be starts 1st of March in Changwon, Masan, Busan and so on. If you are interested in any city(Public school position), please let me know. And please send me your full resume, passport copy and recent photo to my email address. I look forward hearing from you soon. Sincerely, James
10-12-06 Hi James, thank you for your email. Ideally, I would like to be in Korea after March 3rd. I have attached my cover letter and resume with photo. Thank you.
10-12-06 Dear xxx, Is it possible to changed your mind to come to Korea before 3rd of March? Because the school starting time is 2nd of March but they wanna some orientation for foreign teachers 1 week before to start. Please make a easy way and public school system is best time and best condition for foreign teacher in Korea. -James
10-18-06 Dear xxx. I have a Changwon Public school position. All Public school start from 1st of March. But several schools in Changwon need teachers from April. So, If you can come by April 2007, I want to recommend that position. content is all same with Masan public school. If you are interested this city position, Iet me know. and could you send me your copy of passport? Regards, Mary
======================= -
11-06-05 Dear XXX Thanks for emailing. I will keep in touch with you til you make a good position in Changwon. Anyway there is 40 students in a class and teaching level is Elementary to Middle school students. Also there is some special curriculum with Co teacher. Maybe you and co teacher work together. Anything else? If you have some question, please let me know. Mary
11-06-05 Dear XXX The contract coming this Dec. I will send you asap when we make it. I wanna check again. You wanna work in Changwon public school from next April. Is it correct? -Mary
11-08-06 Hi Mary. I was wondering, if this job is teaching middle school and elementary students, would I be on one campus, or going to different campuses? Thank you again for all your help. Again, this job sounds good, but I am open to look at any job that is open after March 11.
11-9-06 Dear XXX, If you accept Changwon public school position, you will be work there with two type working condition. one is one school for you a week. and another is 2 schools for you a week. It is depend on Changwon Education office. Anyway i wll keep in touch with you all time so please send me if you have some question. Mary
Saturday, November 04, 2006
more cleaning house

i have so much left: all my brushes, my mediums, my oil and acrylic paints, cavas, frames, etc. i'd like to do another art exhibition here before i leave, hopefully sell some things, make it a big goodbye party for me. not sure what i'll do with my supplies when i leave, schools can't accept oil mediums. maybe i'll craigslist it. or put it out at the art department at the college.
some have asked "won't you paint while in korea?" i dont know how i'd get all my stuff over. and i dont know where i'll be, how much room i'll have, etc. If i settle down and LIVE in korea, have a place with a spare room i can make my studio, then yesh for sure. until then, these really ought to go to someone who can use them. i'll have enough money to buy supplies again, i'm sure. think positive. it's gonna be great.
my first esl students

is teaching my calling?

Thursday, November 02, 2006
having a USA address while living abroad.

i found a company that keeps mail for you, and sends it overseas http://www.usabox.com/. they'll take pictures of your mail, and you can go online, and let them know what you want sent to you abroad, and what you want discarded. if its urgent, you can have them open your mail and they'll fax it to you. brilliant.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
esl acronym glossary

esl- english as a second language
efl-english as a foreign language
tesl- teachers of english as a second languge
tefl- teachers of english as a foreign language
tesol- teachers of english to speakers of other languages
toefl- test of english as foreign language (the exam to gauge level of english competence)
ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages
ELT - English Language Teaching/Training (General term covering TEFL, TESOL and TESL)
DELTA - Diploma English Language Teaching to Adults
CELTA - Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults
so your black. who cares. your not even in Korea despite the expats blurb, i cant believe im wasting my time commenting