i just think it's a really great concept, and i want to support it. i joined the black travelers group, and a couple others for women and esl teachers. i dont think i would use it, tho, to stay at someone else's house...
the older i get, the more high maintenance i become. i remember my trip to europe and staying in filthy hostels with 20beds in a room, doing bucket baths in west africa. NOW, i would have to have hot running water, i have to have a flushing toilet, i would have to have my own room, none of this sharing/communal shiyat.
awesome ! its great that you're there. i lived in south korea for a year. i was in the Army near the DMZ. i did manage to go to Seoul and neighboring areas. if I could somehow get a cheap flight I'd be more than happy to couch surf. lol.
best of luck !
That seems like a good and scary idea. But it's great you want to help others coming there. Good luck with it
Hi there! Just found your blog through CS. so far i like it alot and am very interest in going back and reading about how you ended up in Korea.
but i'm also wondering why you feel you definitely would not want to stay at someone else's house
Hi there
I'm just browsing, thinking of going to Asia to teach this year and saw your Couch Surfing blog. Don't worry, it's great. I've been hosting for nearly a year now and I've only had fantastic experiences. good luck with it, and if I'm in Korea I'll look you up.
b/c, Damali, im an older cat. maybe in my 20's i wouldve loved to have been bohemian and sleep on a strangers couch. but im 30-something, i need my own place, my own bathroom, and privacy. but i love the idea of couch surfing, people are welcome to sleep on my couch for some days. and if i come to their neck of the woods, i'd like them to give me a list of affordable hotels inthe area. :)
My mom loves that site, my fellings though are less pleasant.
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