"Yes," I respond, respectfully, quietly.
"Did you vote?" he asks, leaning in, his eyes wide.
"Yes," I answer, not inexplicably feeling nervous... you run into a lot of drunks in the morning, drank dat soju, boy.
"When?" he demands.
"A few weeks ago, absentee ballot."
"Who did you vote for?"
"Obama," i say, respectfully, proudly.
The adjosshi nods his head affirmatively, pats me on the shoulder, and keeps on walking.
This is an AWESOME post! I can feel the excitement around the world! This is a wonderful time!
We are all so proud of Obama's win! You should have seen the crazy excitement here! My friend was in D.C. (which was nuts!) and Chicago had a couple million people listening to Obama! We're so happy to have someone with integrity and style in that position, and one that really represents us.
you should update soon :)
i only update when i have something to say... i try to keep this blog only about korea things. i have another blog where i post the emaisl i send to my parents, maybe 3 times a month it's updated, you can read about my mundane life there.
lol.. wow!!
that is hilarious! wow. WOW! that must have been fun.
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