other bills i was able to transfer to other names/people, or cut off entirely; but if there were others, im sure i'd be able to do it all online just as i am w/the student loan.
my old apartment still has bills and my cats, but i send money to the roommates and they make sure everything is taken care of. we did it all online before, anyway, so it's all staying the same.
i think i've written this elsewhere, but here it is again:
- before you leave for korea, go to your bank, tell them you're leaving the country so that they dont cut your account privileges.
- check your billing adrs and contact number the bank has (i changed mine to my parents adrs & phone)
- double check your account number, password, routing number.
- get the bank full adrs, phone number, and email (i was able to email my korea adrs and phone number to my bank once i got here).